Indiana sheriff's deputy dies after coming into contact with power lines at car crash scene

Views: | Time:2024-06-03 19:45:07

PLAINFIELD, Ind. (AP) — A suburban Indianapolis sheriff’s deputy died after he came into contact with downed power lines at the scene of a car crash, police said Tuesday.

Deputy Fred Fislar came into contact with power lines knocked down by the crash after he arrived at the scene just north of Plainfield around 11:50 p.m. Monday, said Hendricks County Sheriff Jack Sadler.

A passing motorist noticed Fislar was down at the crash scene just southwest of Indianapolis and notified dispatchers. Fislar was taken in critical condition to an Indianapolis hospital, where police said he was pronounced dead before 1 a.m. Tuesday despite life-saving measures.

The officer’s body received a police escort Tuesday to the Marion County Coroner’s Office, police said.

Police said Fislar had been with the department for more than two years. He was married with two young children.

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