China to Enhance Regulation of Off

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China to Enhance Regulation of Off-Campus Tutoring

 February 10, 2022

BEIJING, Feb. 8 (Xinhua) — China will enhance its regulation of off-campus tutoring by stepping up legislation and enhancing supervision, said the Ministry of Education in its 2022 work plan.

According to the plan, posted on its official website on Tuesday, the ministry will conduct regular inspections on national holidays, at weekends, as well as in winter and summer vacations. Any off-campus tutoring activities featuring curriculum subjects during these periods will be shut down, said the ministry.

The ministry emphasized in the plans the necessity to advance legislation in regulating such tutoring activities.

It also noted that it will guide local education authorities to categorize off-campus tutoring institutions by subjects, and clarify supervision responsibilities, according to the plans.


(Source: Xinhua)


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